Maxillary Skeletal Expansion


MSE post expansion.  Invisalign.

Maxillary Skeletal Expanders (MSE)

Ten years ago, the only way you could expand a late teen or adult palate was to go to the operating room and perform major orthognathic surgery. Now, there are novel, much less invasive techniques to unlock all the benefits of palate expansion, from creating more room for crowded teeth, protecting the airway by improving nasal breathing and having more space for the tongue in the mouth, and crafting a beautiful, wider, fuller smile.

If you ever thought your mouth was “too small”, your smile is “hidden”, you have an underbite or crossbite, or your doctor told you the only way you could breathe better through the nose is to “fix your deviated septum”, look no further than MSE/MARPE and see if its the right solution for you!

Custom plan and Consultation

Come get an evaluation by Drs. Murtuza Jaffari and Zubad Newaz, together known for their expertise and experience in providing this cutting edge treatment, and also identifying who IS or IS NOT a good candidate for IT!

There is no one size fits all treatment in dentistry or medicine. So, we welcome you to receive a thorough, custom evaluation by our dynamic doctor duo with an unrivaled combination of specialized knowledge and experience. We want you to know the full range of treatment options to improve your situation, whether you are seeking simply straighter teeth, improved facial structure, improved sleep or breathing, reduce snoring, or relief from jaw pain or TMJ disorder.